The golfer agrees to respect the following rules upon payment of entrance fee:

1. Golfers are to abide by R.C.G.A. regulations, with the exception of modifications due to local rules.
2. Only golfers are allowed on the golf course.
3. Each golfer should have his own equipment (personal or rented).
4. Anybody who has access to the course should wear proper attire: Shirts or sweaters are acceptable while swimsuits or tank tops are not allowed.
5. Maximum playing time for each hole should not exceed 15 minutes. If you have paid for 18 holes and decide to rest after the first 9, inform the course attendant so that you may reserve a tee-time for the 10th hole.
6. Everybody with access to the golf course should comply with initial instructions provided by the course attendant, golf pro or any other qualified individual.
7. In the event that you are delayed on the fairway (lost ball, etc.), you shall be granted up to 2 minutes of extra playing time. It is proper golfing etiquette to make way for faster players.
8. You may drop your ball within two club lengths (not nearer the hole) and without penalty when encountering obstructions: roads, paths, benches, bridges, sprinkling system and newly planted trees. All streams are considered as hazards just as sandpits. A ball in the water at the 18th hole counts as a one stroke penalty and the drop zone is located at the yellow marker next to the green.
9. White Markers: Out of Bounds - 1 stroke-and-distance penalty.
10. Red Markers: Lateral Water Hazards - 1 stroke penalty.
11. Yellow Markers: Frontal Water Hazards - 1 stroke penalty.
12. Golf carts are limited to two players and two golf bags. Golf carts and handcarts are not allowed on the greens and in parking lots. Return golf cart keys to the registration desk immediately after your round.
13. You should replace divots and rake sand traps after use. Greens are exclusively reserved for putting. You should repair any eventual damages created by a ball’s impact on the green. Replace the flag and leave the green immediately after finishing the hole.
14. Golf etiquette and courtesy apply at all times.